Contract Number: 47QRAA21D008D
Contract Title: GSA Professional Services Schedule Contract
Contract Period: August 2021 through August 2026
The Professional Services Schedule (PSS) was developed by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) to consolidate individual Schedule Contracts for professional services under a single contract vehicle to reduce administrative time and costs. Through the PSS Program, customers can issue a single purchase order to obtain a variety of services using pre-negotiated pricing, terms and conditions.
The PSS Contract is particularly appealing to federal agencies when procuring requirements and services that fall under various functional domains. For example, a federal agency can use the PSS to issue a task order to Michael Baker to perform a requirement that includes services that fall within the scope of multiple GSA Schedules.
Services available through the GSA are identified by Special Item Numbers (SINs). Under the PSS Program, the GSA has entered into a contract with Michael Baker that any federal agency (and State and local governments under cooperative purchasing agreements) can procure services in the following areas; additional information and service area points of contact can be obtained by clicking on the links under Services Description below:
Technical & Engineering Services (Non-IT)
Environmental Services
Information Technology Services
Facilities Services
Testing and Analysis
Business Administrative Services
Extensive information on the GSA Schedules is available at the following sites:
Jake Watson
National Market Lead, Federal Civilian Programs
Terry McAllister, CSCM
Contract Administration Manager